Discontinue using up precious time as well as begin utilising much of our 700-302 dumps to help you most beneficial prepare designed for achieving success with the examination! Now we have given a hand to many hundreds of examination job seekers familiar grown to be competent utilising much of our 700-302 exam questions. Don’t secure created. Swift watch you to ultimately achieving success at present utilising much of our 700-302 evaluation requests.
How do network administrators identify problem areas and locate them in the context of access point floor, building, and campus locations?
A. Cisco EnergyWise
B. Cisco EnergyWise Orchestrator Sustainability Dashboard
C. Cisco IronPort Web Security Appliance
D. Air Quality Index charts
Answer: D
Which service should you use if you want application performance that optimizes user experience for any application, at any time, on any device?
A. Cisco TrustSec9
B. Application Velocity
C. Cisco Motion
D. Cisco AnyConnect
Answer: B
Which two of the following does medianet capacity planning involve? (Choose two.)
A. how much video has been run over the network in the past 30 days
B. the size of the video that is running
C. determining how much video is currently running over the network
D. the buffer requirements for each type of video
E. determining if the video that is running is standard definition or high definition
Answer: CD
Which Cisco Security Control Framework key action addresses the ability of an infrastructure to withstand, adjust to, or recover from adverse uncontrolled circumstances?
A. Monitor
B. Enforce
C. Adjust
D. Harden
Answer: D
Which of the following collects and analyzes the radio information that is sent by the access points, building a comprehensive view of the wireless environment, and automatically takes action to avoid interference or gaps in coverage?
A. Wi-Fi Location System
B. Cisco Wireless Control System
C. Wi-Fi devices
D. WLAN controllers
Answer: D
In which two ways can guest user login portals be directly served? (Choose two.)
A. external server
B. headend of a GRE tunnel
C. VPN concentrator
D. IPS device
E. wireless LAN controller
Answer: AE
Which of the following is the first-ever control system malware that acts as a botnet to steal industrial automation layout design and control files specific to control systems such as Siemens’ supervisory control and data accusation system?
A. URLZone
B. intrusion prevention system
C. Trojan horse
D. Stuxnet
Answer: B
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